1 room in shared apartment (with 2 other international male residents) 14 m3, lightly furnished (bed, wardrope, lighting, desk and chair). Access to shared kitchen, toilet, shower cabinet and one shared small room with a couch and tea table. 300 mbps Wi-Fi broadband, heating, electricity, water and building services included. Washing machine available in the building society as per common rates.
800 meters from Metro Amagerbro and 1200 meters from Amager Strandpark.
Apartment is well functioning and looked after by landlord, though basic in style, thus suited for study. Each room is for 1 person residing only.
Person needs to be highly reliable, good at creating and maintaining a well functioning atmosphere with the others, and OK with a stay of 1 - 2 years. We are building a male only shared residence. You must be willing and diligent in keeping your room and common area clean and maintained (landlord pays cost of new equipment that may be needed). You can guarantee that noise etc. will not negatively infringe on the other apartments - it is definitely OK to be living with joy, but not loud partying, due to neighbor families and some elderlies in the building.
1 room available: 4.870 kr. monthly incl. water, electricity, heating and broadband.
Please write 10 - 15 lines about yourself and your background, your preferences and the kind of life you live or plan on in Copenhagen.
Move-in date from 1 March.