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Floor plan
5 February
Room of 10 m²
Gudrunsvej, 8220 Aarhus, Brabrand - Ground floor
Monthly net rent
2.750 kr.
0 kr.
Move-in price
8.250 kr.

Available from
As soon as possible
Rental period
12-23 months
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5 February

Room for idealist

Dansk tekst efter den engelske :-) We will probally have a room that will soon be free. The room is light and has large windows and direct access to a small, shared balcony. The room is approx. 10 square meters and is furnished but can also be rented without furniture. We have two tenants in our four-room apartment, and they share their own bathroom and a small fridge in the kitchen. Each tenant has two kitchen cabinets. We all share the kitchen, where there is a dining area. We also have a shared washing machine in our bathroom. We live in Gellerup, and it is 5 km from the main station, approximately 18mintus if you bike. We live in a green area, with the possibility of having your own garden for 50kr a year, we live close to shopping in Bazar Vest and Netto, close to the library, public swimming pool, sports facilities, and public transport (4A, 6A and 15). Gellerup is an international area to live in, and we love it. People are really friendly, and doesn’t live up to it old reputation (the crime rate is lower compared to the rest of Aarhus. Not that it is high in Aarhus. Denmark is a super safe country :-D <3) We have a spare bike, that you are welcome to borrow while you stay with us. Biking is the cleanest, easiest and fastest way to get around in any Danish city:-) The rent includes water, heat, electricity, internet, and use of the washing machine included Eco-friendly soap! About us: We try to always think about the consequences of our actions for the world, i.e. when it comes to ecology, sustainability, climate, biodiversity, democracy, and human rights. i.e. we do not eat conventional animal products, but only organic. We try to buy organic products, Eco-friendly or second hand. We are somewhat politically active etc. in general, in everything we do, we try to think about that, no matter what might happen, we want to be able to look future generations (that might blame us) into the eyes and with a clear conscious be able to say: We did what we could! This does not mean that we do not make mistakes. We think all people make mistakes, also big ones, but what distinguishes us, is if we are willing and able, to listen, when someone we care about points something out, and set a pride in being able to admit mistakes and try to learn from them and to try to learn together, so that all are better off in the future. So we regularly have house meetings, to meet and talk about how we cooperate around everyone thriving. To us, it is not important what religion or background people might have or not have. We simply care about how they choose to act! What ethics they have, how they try to treat themselves and others and all life in general, and we have meet sympathetic people from all kinds of backgrounds, religions, or no religions. We have two very social cats. The cats roams freely in the apartment, but not necessarily in your room. Our landlord has some requirements for our tenants: The first requirement is a clean criminal record for all persons living in the apartment, so you must be able to provide this. If you already live in Denmark, we can help you get a hold of a Danish version. The second requirement is, that you need to document, that you are employed or are a student. Our landlord is a housing association, and they need to approve you, but this is a formality, the moment we have the signed contract and the required documents. You will therefore be able to get a CPR-registration on the address. About you: You must be a non-smoker and be ok with not drinking alcohol at home. You must be ok with living with cats in the apartment, and we think it is probably best if you are not allergic to cats, even though we can keep the cats out your room, they are still in the kitchen. If you eat animal product like we do, this has to be from organic or wild animals. Due to former bad experiences, we expect that you take supplement (i.e. B12) if you are a vegan or vegetarian. If this sounds like you, and if you on top of that, like the description of who we are, and can in some ways relate, then that is really great! :-D If you think this might sound like something for you, please write us something about you! :-D Dansk: Vi har et værelse, som formodentlig bliver ledigt snart. Værelset er lyst med store vinduer og direkte adgang til en smal delt balkon. Værelset er ca. 10m2 og kan enten være møbleret eller ikke. Vi har i alt to lejere i vores fireværelseslejlighed. De to lejere deler et badeværelse og har fælles køleskab og fryser. Hver lejer har to køkkenskabe i vores fælles køkken med spiseområde. Vi har også delt vaskemaskine på vores badeværelse. Vi bor i Gellerup. Det er ca. 5km fra Aarhus H, altså omkring 18 minutter på cykel. Området er grønt og der er mulighed for eget havelod for kun 50kr årligt. Vi bor tæt på Bazar Vest og Netto, Gellerupbadet, biblioteket, idrætsfaciliteter og busser (4A, 6A og 15). Gellerup er et internationalt område, naboerne er venlig og imødekommende og vi elsker det. Gellerup lever ikke længere op til sit gamle ry (Kriminalitetsraten er faktisk lavere end i resten af Aarhus). Hvis du har brug for det, så har vi en lånecykel, så du kan komme let, miljøvenligt og hurtigt rundt i Aarhus. Lejen inkludere vand, varme, el, internet, brug af vaskemaskine og miljøvenligt vaskemiddel. Lidt om os: Vi er to samvittighedsfulde mennesker, der prøver at indtænke konsekvenserne af vores handlinger for vores omverden. Det gør vi fx ved primært at leve økologisk, miljøvenligt, og klimavenligt. Men også ved at tænke på og fremme biodiversitet, demokrati og menneskerettigheder. Vi køber fx ikke konventionelle dyreprodukter, men kun økologisk og helst fra vildtlevende og græsfodrede dyr. Ligesom vi helst køber økologisk, miljøvenligt eller genbrugs produkter. Vi er politisk aktive og bevidste i alt, hvad vi gør, så vi forhåbentlig vil kunne se fremtidige generationer i øjnene og med en ren samvittighed fortæller, at vi gjorde, hvad vi kunne. Det betyder naturligvis ikke, at vi er ufejlbarlige. Vi mener alle mennesker begår fejl, også store. Men det der er afgørende er, om vi er villige til og i stand til at lytte, når noget påpeges, og om vi sætter en ære i at kunne indrømme fejl og lære nyt fra dem. Det tror vi er vejen til en bedre fremtid for alle. Så, vi har jævnligt husmøder, hvor vi mødes og taler om, hvordan vi samarbejder om at alle trives. For os er det afgørende ikke personers baggrund, religion etc. Det der betyder noget er, hvordan personer handler. Hvilken etik de udviser overfor sig selv, andre og livet som sådan. Vi har mødt sympatiske personer fra alle religioner og baggrunde. Vi bor hos to meget sociale katte. De to katte færdes frit i lejligheden, men ikke nødvendigvis på dit værelse. Vores boligforening har nogle betingelser for fremleje af værelser. Fremlejere, såvel som lejere skal have en ren straffeattest og fremsende denne. Desuden skal vores fremlejere være i arbejde eller under uddannelse og kunne dokumentere dette. Vores boligforening skal godkende fremlejere, men det er en formalitet, når vi har underskrevet kontrakterne og fået den nødvendige dokumentation. Du kan derfor have folkeregisteradresse hos os. Lidt om dig: Vi forventer, at du ikke ryger eller bruger snus. Vi forventer også, at du drikker alkohol hjemme. Du må naturligvis være ok med at bo hos vores katte. Vi forestiller os derfor, at det vil være bedst, at du ikke har allergi overfor katte, selvom de evt. ikke kommer i dit værelse. Spiser du animalskeprodukter, ligesom vi gør, så forventer vi, at de er fra økologiske dyr eller vildt. På grund af tidligere dårlig erfaringer forventer vi, at du tager kosttilskud (b12), hvis du er veganer/vegetar. Lyder dette som dig og synes du også om og måske endda kan relatere til beskrivelsen af os, så er det fantastisk! – Så hører vi meget gerne fra dig :-D

About property

Property type
10 m²
Ground floor
Pets allowed
Senior friendly
Students only
Not specified
Washing machine
Electric charging station
Not specified
Not specified
Energy rating

About rental

Rental period
12-23 months
Available from
As soon as possible
Monthly net rent
2.750 kr.
0 kr.
2.750 kr.
Prepaid rent
2.750 kr.
Move-in price
8.250 kr.
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Aarhus, Brabrand, Gellerup, Rooms
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Last active: 11 days ago
Profile created: 2 years ago
Monthly net rent
2.750 kr.
0 kr.
Move-in price
8.250 kr.

Available from
As soon as possible
Rental period
12-23 months
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Your search:
Aarhus, Brabrand, Gellerup, Rooms
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Approved by BoligPortal
2 advertisements
Last active: 11 days ago
Profile created: 2 years ago
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