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Floor plan
11 hours ago
1 room apartment of 62 m²
Helsingforsgade, 8200 Aarhus, Aarhus N - Ground floor
Monthly net rent
6.515 kr.
630 kr.
Move-in price
20.145 kr.

Available from
1 April 2025
Rental period
1-11 months
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11 hours ago

Stor 1-værelses lejlighed ved Aarhus Universitet

[English below] Jeg er for nylig flyttet ind i denne dejlige lejlighed og vil fremleje den, mens jeg er på forskningsophold i Tyskland fra 1. April til 30. September. Lejligheden ved siden af datalogisk institut og tæt på hovedcampus for Aarhus Universitet. Med StorcenterNord ved siden af er der gode indkøbsmuligheder og man er desuden tæt universitetsparken og botanisk have og har letbane-/busforbindelser direkte til centrum.. De 62 m2 er det antal, der er skrevet i min egen kontrakt, men værelset er lidt mindre. Tallet dækker også over teressen udenfor og en del af de fælles områder der tilhører lejemålet, som inkluderer: et fælles køkken/eventområde, vaskerum med vaskemaskine/tørretumbler og cykel- og bilparkering. Derudover er der mulighed for at leje et gæsteværelse (jeg har ikke brugt dette endnu, men det skulle være meget billigt 100 DKK for en hverdag, lidt mere i weekenden). Prioritet gives til lejere, der forpligter sig til den længste periode (forhåbentlig hele perioden fra april-september). Der fremlejes kun til en person (der kan altså kun stå en person I kontrakten og med adresse I lejligheden). Dette er en af de få PhD/PostDoc-lejligheder på Aarhus Universitet. Lejligheden inkluderer en hems, som kan bruges til opbevaring (nogle bruger hemsen til at sove). Jeg vil beholde opbevaringsrummet i kælderen, af denne grund har jeg reduceret huslejen med 100 DKK (hvis du har brug for ekstra opbevaring, er jeg sikker på, at vi kan finde en løsning). Huslejen for lejligheden er 6536 kr. Derudover kommer a conto vand på 250 kr, a conto el på 172,73 kr, og a conto varme på 208 kr. Der er en reduktion på 100 kr for opbevaring, og internet med 100mb hastighed koster 79 kr. Den samlede månedlige udgift bliver derfor 7145,73 kr. (alle a conto beløb afhænger selvfølgelig af forbrug, og internettet kan opgraderes til 1000mb for I alt 149 kr./md I stedet for 79 kr./md). Skriv endelig hvis du har spørgsmål til lejemålet, og for at aftale eventuel fremvisning. English: I recently moved into this nice apartment and will be subletting it while I'm on a research stay in Germany from April 1st to September 30th. The apartment is located next to the computer science department and close to the main campus of Aarhus University. With StorcenterNord nearby, there are good shopping opportunities, and you are also close to the university park and botanical garden, with frequent tram/bus connections directly to the city center. The 62 m² is the number written in my contract, but the room is a bit smaller. The number also covers the terrace outside and part of the shared spaces belonging to the rental, which include: a shared kitchen/event space, laundry room with washing machine/dryer, bike and car parking area. Additionally, there is the possibility to rent a guest room (I have not used this yet, but it should be very cheap 100 DKK for a weekday, a bit more over the weekend). Priority is given to tenants who commit to the longest period (hopefully the full period from April to September). The sublet is only for one person (only one person can be on the contract and have the address in the apartment). This is one of the few PhD/PostDoc apartments at Aarhus University (read more here https://international.au.dk/life/locations/housing/auhousing/postdocstaff/helsingforsgade-5). You do not have to be a PhD/PostDoc to sublet. The apartment includes a loft, which can be used for storage (some people use the loft for sleeping). I will keep the storage compartment in the basement, for this reason I have reduced the rent by 100 DKK (if you need additional storage, I'm sure we can work something out). The rent for the apartment is 6536 DKK. Additionally, there is a conto water at 250 DKK, a conto electricity at 172.73 DKK, and a conto heating at 208 DKK. There is a reduction of 100 DKK for storage, and internet with 100mb speed costs 79 DKK. The total monthly expense is therefore 7145.73 DKK (all a conto amounts depend on consumption, and the internet can be upgraded to 1000mb for a total of 149 DKK/month instead of 79 DKK/month). Feel free to write if you have any questions about the rental, and to arrange a possible viewing.

About property

Property type
62 m²
Ground floor
Pets allowed
Senior friendly
Students only
Not specified
Washing machine
Not specified
Electric charging station
Not specified
Not specified
Energy rating

About rental

Rental period
1-11 months
Available from
1 April 2025
Monthly net rent
6.515 kr.
630 kr.
13.000 kr.
Prepaid rent
0 kr.
Move-in price
20.145 kr.
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Aarhus, Aarhus N, Apartments
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Last active: 1 day ago
Profile created: 4 years ago
Monthly net rent
6.515 kr.
630 kr.
Move-in price
20.145 kr.

Available from
1 April 2025
Rental period
1-11 months
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Your search:
Aarhus, Aarhus N, Apartments
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Last active: 1 day ago
Profile created: 4 years ago
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